API Configuration

MySQL configuration

To use the API an XML configuration is used. An almost read-to-use
configuration can be used from the sample below. It is a configuration for the de_70M_trigram model. When using MySQL, none of the SQL commands needs to be changed, but the servername, user, password, databasename (if changed):


The last shown line (jdbcString) needs to be adjusted, if using a different database system.

Here is the XML configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <senses name="n200" isDefault="true">
        <senses name="n100" isDefault="true">
    <similarTermsQuery>select word2, count from $tableSimilarTerms where word1=? order by count desc </similarTermsQuery>
    <similarTermsTopQuery>select  word2, count from $tableSimilarTerms where word1=? order by count desc LIMIT 0, $numberOfEntries </similarTermsTopQuery>
    <similarTermsGtScoreQuery>select word2, count from $tableSimilarTerms where word1=? and count&gt;? ORDER BY count DESC</similarTermsGtScoreQuery>
    <similarTermScoreQuery>select SIM from $tableSimilarTerms where word1=? and word2=?</similarTermScoreQuery>
    <similarContextsQuery>SELECT word2,SIM FROM $tableSimilarContexts WHERE word1 = ? ORDER BY SIM desc</similarContextsQuery>
        <similarContextsTopQuery>SELECT word2,SIM FROM $tableSimilarContexts WHERE word1 = ? ORDER BY SIM desc fetch first $numberOfEntries rows only</similarContextsTopQuery>
        <similarContextsGtScoreQuery>SELECT word2,SIM FROM $tableSimilarContexts WHERE word1 = ? and SIM > ? ORDER BY SIM desc</similarContextsGtScoreQuery>
        <termsCountQuery>SELECT COUNT FROM $tableTermCount WHERE word=?</termsCountQuery>
    <contextsCountQuery>SELECT COUNT FROM $tableContextsCount WHERE feature = ?</contextsCountQuery>
    <termContextsCountQuery>SELECT FREQ FROM $tableTermContextsScore WHERE word =? and feature = ?</termContextsCountQuery>
    <termContextsScoreQuery>SELECT SIG FROM $tableTermContextsScore WHERE word =? and feature = ?</termContextsScoreQuery>
    <termContextsScoresQuery>SELECT feature, SIG, count FROM $tableTermContextsScore WHERE word =? ORDER BY SIG desc</termContextsScoresQuery>
    <termContextsScoresTopQuery>SELECT feature, SIG, count FROM $tableTermContextsScore WHERE word =? ORDER BY SIG desc limit 0, $numberOfEntries </termContextsScoresTopQuery>
    <termContextsScoresGtScoreQuery>SELECT feature, SIG, count FROM $tableTermContextsScore WHERE word =? and SIG &gt; ? ORDER BY SIG desc</termContextsScoresGtScoreQuery>
    <sensesQuery>SELECT  cid ,cluster, "" from $tableSenses where word=? </sensesQuery>
    <senseCUIsQuery>SELECT CID  FROM $tableSenseCUIs where word=?</senseCUIsQuery>
    <isasQuery>SELECT CID, ISAS FROM $tableIsas where word=?</isasQuery>
     <isTermContained>select W.word FROM $tableTermCount W left JOIN $tableSimilarTerms S on W.word = S.word1 LEFT JOIN $tableTermContextsScore F ON W.word = F.word  where W.word in (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) GROUP BY W.word</isTermContained>

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